Tag Archives: gifts

Christmas Shopping

Ahh, the wonderful chaos we call Christmas.  Actually I really love Christmas and even though I live one block away from a mall I still found myself doing the cycles around the city to all the different shopping centers.  I was going to write about the wonderful gifts I bought for everyone but I recently found out that my Dad knows about my blog (probably my only reader) so I will try to keep the element of surprise.

I will admit that my family does not do well with surprises.  My mom constantly talks about who got what and what everybody wants.  This year my family decided to do an “open wish list”.  Instead of buying surprises for each other we decided to tell each other exactly what to buy for us.  Although I do think this is a much more responsible approach to receiving gifts it does ruin a bit of the surprise.

So yesterday Melody and I started out by heading down to “Las Americas!!” outlet mall.  The weird thing about the mall that on the back side of the parking lot is a huge 17 foot high fence.  What are they trying to keep out you may ask…. the whole country of Mexico.  That’s right the mall is built about 20 feet away from Mexico which made my shopping experience different because Melody and I were the only white people there.  Now I know my co-workers are going to say I’m racist but I truly didn’t have a problem with this.  I merely wanted to point it out because that doesn’t happen much in the U.S.

After Las Americas we went to Mission Valley mall.  I don’t really like Mission Valley mall but it had a target and a Bed Bath and Beyond so it made more sense.  Nothing memorable happened in Mission Valley so I won’t write anything more about it.  Although we did have Monsoon Indian To Go which was exceptional.